
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Moslem Clothes Pink

Moslem fashion model japanese robe made from cotton blended with rayon spandex jersey material further beautify this robe.

With the ever evolving world looking for newer trends to promote and market to their targeted niche market, clothing articles with various slogans have become very popular. Islamic clothes with catchy phrases depicting Islam have also gained a lot of popularity amongst the Muslim communities. In particular Muslims living in non Muslim countries rely on these types of Islamic clothes to voice out their feelings about their religion.

Today the Islamic clothes with phrases like "I Love Islam", "Proud to be a Muslim" and many other similar ones can be widely seen all around Europe and the Americas. Young men and women in particular are very focused on stating to the world about their choice of being Muslim. For them it is important to let others know that regardless of being born in Muslim families, they choose to practice Islam for its teachings and values. Therefore, they opt to inform the people around them by wearing stylish Islamic clothes with religious phrases printed on them.

There are numerous Islamic clothes retailers who sell creative and captivating one line statements in favour of Islam. These slogans portray the true feelings behind Islam as opposed to the extremist and fundamentalist view that people have developed about the peace loving religion. Wearing these clothing items allows the younger generation to express their point of view and freedom in addition to letting the people around them understand the significance of Islam.

T-shirts, caps, bags and Islamic clothes for children are available in an array of colours, designs and slogans. People can choose the styles they prefer to wear and express themselves. These apparel and accessory items are easily available at numerous Islamic retail stores and online shops catering to the needs of the Muslims across the globe.

The most commonly seen attractive statements on Islamic clothes include:"Mini Muslim", "I only eat Halal", "Muslim for Life", "I Love my Prophet", "Allah's Little Angel" and "Jannah under mother's feet" to list a few. These slogans are not only eye catching but also create good feelings about the religion. Other messages include different names of Allah printed on apparel items or verses from the Quran in beautiful fonts and styles to emphasize the importance of these verses in a Muslim's life. These slogan bearing clothing articles are a great way to not only express your religion but to also promote the goodness behind its teachings.

Sohail Khan works for Islamic Impressions which specializes in retail and wholesale products for the Islamic market and stocks a wide range of baby Islamic clothes, including jilbabs and jubbas to buy online or in our stores in London, Birmingham, Denmark and Trinidad.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Muslim Dress CHOCOLATE

Moslem robe with a model made from rayon spandex jersey with a blend of tile on the right side skirts and cuffs give the impression more and more elegant in this gamis.

Are you looking for muslim fashion which is trendy yet modest? With fashion do you know where to draw the line? What are the do's and don'ts for muslim clothing? This article will discuss some ways on how to dress modestly.

First of all, always remind yourself of the Islamic dress code. Your clothes should be long, loose fitted and not transparent. Muslim women should also cover their heads with a head scarf (hijab).

If you prefer to wear traditional muslim clothing then you can chose to wear long abayas (long kaftan like dresses), which originate from the arab countries. There are so many designs to choose from. From the classic black and trendy urban styles to more western styles. You can even get designer ones; or you might like to wear the traditional shalwar kameez (loose tunic and trouser), which originates from India/Pakistan. You are spoilt for choice. So much to choose from!

One thing to remember is to keep the glitter and glitz to a minimum for everyday wear. Go for a casual and simple look for everyday wear, and leave the glitter and glitz for special occasions or evening wear.

If you live in the west and want to wear modest western muslim fashion clothes, there is still a lot to choose from. You could go for long full length dresses or long full length skirts with lose and full sleeved tops or long sleeved blouses. You could also wear shorter length dresses with loose trouser or jeans - This is a trend that has been very popular recently amongst the western fashion world. You could also wear long sleeved, knee length, tunic style tops with loose trouser or jeans. Again you are spoilt with choice. The key is to be creative and mix and match clothing items to give you a modest look.

Traditional and western designs can be brought from many shops; or nowadays there is so much available online. Just spend some time planning your outfits and soon you will be making your own trends in muslim fashion.

Sham S has been writing articles for nearly two years. Her latest website is about long sleeve dresses where you can find the best deals on long sleeve dresses that you are looking for.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Muslim Dress Purple

Muslim fashion model japanese robe made from cotton fabric with a material that is soft and easy to absorb sweat so it is very comfortable when you wear. This Gamis slicked up with blue rope which progressively enhance this robe.

Muslim wear has changed a lot through history. These changes reflect the society, culture and religious beliefs of the time they were witnessed. However, religion and the emergence of a nationalist identity have been the two most prevalent factors governing changes in Islamic or Muslim clothing.

Muslim Wear: Through the Pages of History
Muslim wear has been mainly influenced by the cultures of other empires and kingdoms. Countries conquered by Muslim rulers also imparted to this exchange of influences on clothing. During the period of time preceding the Islamic era, clothing for both sexes was mostly similar. Some of these influences still persist in the dress in and around the Near Eastern region, including Iran and Iraq.

After Prophet Muhammad laid down guidelines for clothing, the universal principle of hijab, or 'the veil' was added to the simple, functional apparel of the indigenous population, based on the climate, weather and environment of the region. In fact, clothing worn by rural dwellers and the Bedouin reflect this functionality. Urban dwellers, on the other hand, are more likely to exhibit western influences in dress. However, this influence too has been absorbed into Muslim wear's unique identity.

Blended fashions, such as men wearing a jillaba or kaffiya along with a formal western business suit and shoes, are a common sight in urban areas and towns and cities all over the Far East.

Muslim Wear: Main Elements
Islamic apparel enjoys a unique and distinct identity despite influences over time. Let us look at some of the common elements seen in this clothing:

Outer clothing: Almost all traditional Islamic cultures incorporate some form of wrap or mantle. Usually one long, single outer garment extending from the head or neck to the ankles that can be a long dress, gown or caftan, the aba or rida usually has two openings in the front for the hands. The fabric used in making this garment also denotes which region it belongs to. Similarly, the burnoose or thobe is a one-piece cloak with a hood that is worn throughout the Northern African and Arabian regions. The Egyptian version is referred to as the jillaba.

Headwear: The imama or turban is the most common form of head attire prevalent. Turbans come in a large variety of styles and even sport a trailing end which serves the practical purpose of veiling the face in case of bad weather. During the Abbasid period, turbans were used by Muslim rulers to differentiate between various classes of their population. Besides turbans, the flat, cone-shaped Fez cap of Moroccan origin and the black velvet sidara, popular among Iraqis, the most common form of head gear is the kaffiya or head scarf worn with a ringed cord of rope on the head called the agal.

If you are looking for traditional Islamic clothing, visit for a comprehensive range of formal to contemporary styles. has over a decade of experience in selling traditional Muslim apparel.